Friday, June 05, 2009

Of WIPs and knitting

I've been casting on for more projects as the mood takes me, most recently Tempest in this lovely Violet Green Socrates 4ply I originally bought for Shoalwater:

I'll have a WIP photo soon, as I only started this last night and am about 20 rows in to the back. It's a cardigan I've been wanting to make ever since I saw it, but I'm doing a non-striped version instead. There is plenty of the Seascape, and I love the colours without adding any toning stripes. Thanks are due to pictish for suggesting this as I hadn't considered this option before.

Shawl That Jazz is on a mini-hiatus, about half way through the first section. I generally like the colours in the yarn but have a small bee in my bonnet about the dark bottle-ish green elements. This is one of the very very few colours/shades I don't really like. That said I like it overall, and thankfully the rows are getting shorter!

I've also been working on Ishbel this week, heading towards starting the lace section. The WIP photo isn't terribly exciting but it's on Ravelry should you wish to see it. The red Eva is showing its semi-solid nature, when observed in daylight you can see quite a variation in depth of shade. More interesting than a true solid shade, I think.

There is also my first ever sock! I had to learn the long tail cast-on for this, having never bothered with it in the past. Once I watched the video on Knitting Help I "got" it, I do seem to learn much more readily from demos rather than pictures in books. It doesn't help that I can't often make out what goes where in the diagrams in books, despite how clearly they are drawn. Photos are easier, and I learned how to knit in the round with 2 circs from a very helpful tutorial I'd printed out (which now seems to have disappeared online). My "join" stitches are a little loose so far (not helped by plumping for plain stockinette for the main sock body!), but I'm getting there!

This is the yarn I dyed with Kool Aid a couple of weeks ago, I rather like how it is knitting up!

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At 8:10 pm, June 05, 2009, Blogger Linda said...

I didn't know that you hadn't knit socks before, they are going to be great. I loved my first socks, its quite magical to construct them. I think that I learnt from the same place,starting with 2 circulars but I like magic loop now.

At 10:35 pm, June 05, 2009, Blogger MandellaUK said...

Gosh, there's a lot going on in your knitting world at the moment. Enjoy your first socks, they are turning out lovely. I always find the joins are better if I pull the second stitch on the needle a little bit tighter.

At 12:59 pm, June 06, 2009, Blogger Sarah said...

Yay for your first ever sock :)

I love the videos on line for learning something new - pictures, or worse just written instructions often leave me baffled!

At 4:07 pm, June 06, 2009, Blogger acrylik said...

Lovely WIPs and gorgeous pictures of all that colourful yarn. Fantastic that you started your first sock! It can grow into another addiction... just love how your hand-dyed is knitting up.

At 10:56 pm, June 06, 2009, Blogger blog-blethers said...

What gorgeous WIPs! Can't wait to see progress over next few weeks.

Love how your Kool Aid yarns is knitting up. Just perfect for a special (first) pair of socks.

At 7:27 pm, June 07, 2009, Blogger Daisy said...

Hooray for your first sock! Looks good to me! I found the join bits disappeared the more sock knitting I did.

At 7:20 am, June 09, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blimey, first sock. You could regret that! Love the colour of the Socrates.

At 5:14 pm, June 13, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous yarns and lovely socks. I've learnt a thing or two from knitting help too.

At 1:53 pm, June 19, 2009, Blogger Kath said...

Hooray for first socks!! Looking great too and the hand dyed yarn is looking lovely! You'll be hooked on socks now - nothing better in Winter!
Love all your other WIP's and FO's too :)


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