Saturday, April 15, 2006

Alien Illusion

We have finally found something that DH would like me to knit for him! I got Stitch 'n' Bitch, the original book, yesterday. DH was looking through it today and found the Alien Illusion scarf. He loves it - he likes aliens and all that kind of stuff (Lynne knows about this!), so do I but hey, we found something I can make for him! Maybe once he has this for next autumn, he might wear the 1x1 rib hat I made earlier this year ;-)

As is often the case, finding a UK equivalent yarn is fairly difficult. Via the wonders of Google I found a US-based ebay shop that sells the Brown Sheep Nature Spun the original pattern uses. That green is very difficult to match, unless you find a 100% acrylic. I wanted 100% wool, so I've ordered enough yarn for 2 scarves, a whole 12 pounds, fantastic.

I'm about a third of the way with adding ruffles to Latifa. It's quite hard on the hands, especially if you already have creaky ones! Probably doesn't help that I'm using metal needles either. However the results are well worth it. I'm planning on a fairly relaxed day tomorrow, and hoping to start the hooded jacket. Also looking forward to the new series of Doctor Who! There is a great extended trailer on BBCi (red button) at the moment.

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At 7:40 am, April 15, 2006, Blogger T said...

Oh no! I want to knit that scarf and I have the ebay seller marked, and now if you are going to order some I want to!! This is just no good at all ;)

At 10:35 am, April 15, 2006, Blogger acrylik said...

The Alien Illusion Scarf is fantastic - I've seen one in the flesh and it's extremely cool! Isn't it hard to find something that hubby's actually want you to knit for them?! Vicks didn't even bite at that pattern *sigh*
I bet it will be great fun knitting it - just watching the aliens appear :D

At 12:01 pm, April 15, 2006, Blogger Rain said...

I love the Alien Illusion Scarf, it looks fab.

There are a few other illusion patterns available free if you get into it. One has snowflakes and the other has robots. Google will throw them up.

At 6:24 pm, April 16, 2006, Blogger KnitYoga said...

Great that your DH wants you to knit something for him. I really like the illusion knitting. Your Latifa scarf is also looking lovely. The colours in the ruffly bits are awesome!

At 7:38 pm, April 16, 2006, Blogger T said...

Wasn't Doctor Who good? I thought so anyway, although a little heavy on the schmaltz.


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